ChinaPCBOne is professional Advanced Circuit Manufacturer, and We can make up 20 layers Rigid-Flex PCB with HDI, Impedance Control.
We provide small and medium-volume Rigid-Flex PCB production can make up to 20 layers Rigid-Flex Circuit Boards. Rigid-Flex PCB line width/spacing can be achieved minimum 3mil, we also provide Rigid-Flex Circuit Boards with HDI, Impedance Control.
Find out about our more info, and Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Layer Count: 4
Raw Material: FR4(1L) + RF(2L) + FR4(1L)
Surface Treatment: Immersion Gold(ENIG)
Special Process: Rigid Flex PCB
Application: Automotive Electronics
Layer Count: 6
Raw Material: FR4(2L)+RF(2L)+2FR4(2L)
Surface Treatment: Immersion Gold(ENIG)
Special Process: Rigid Flex PCB
Application: UAV(Drone)
Layer Count: 6
Raw Material: FR4(2L)+RF(2L)+FR4(2L)
Surface Treatment: Immersion Gold(ENIG)
Special Process: Rigid Flex + Gold Finger
Application: Adapter
Layer Count: 6
Raw Material: FR4(2L)+RF(2L)+FR4(2L)
Surface Treatment: Immersion Gold(ENIG)
Special Process: Rigid Flex + FPC with hard gold fingers(add PI stiffener)
Application: Adapter
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